Q&A with Our Director, Jill Dixon

The College of Wooster Head Field Hockey Coach
Former Associate Head Coach at Wesley College 

Do you have any nicknames?


Do you have any unusual talents or absurd things that you love?

I love lighthouses

If you can eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Something with cheese

What is the latest show, series, podcast or book that you binged on?

This Is Us and The Harry Potter Book Series

What is the one or more things that you take with you or do every day before you greet the team at practice? This can be something tangible or non-tangible.

Typed up practice plan

What purchase of $100 or less has positively influenced your life in the past 6 months or recent memory? 

A WeCOACH membership ($99)

Do you have a quote, phrase or motto that you use on a daily basis or during tough times? or maybe something you think of often or live your life by.

“Be the kind of woman who fixes another woman’s crown, without telling the world it was crooked”

What advice would you give a smart, driven 14 year old athlete about to enter high school and what advice should they ignore on the other hand?

Participate in more than just “your sport”and avoid advice that tells you there is only one way to go to reach your dreams. There are multiple paths to get you to your end goal and yours is unique and out there waiting to be discovered by you!

In the last 5 years, do you have a specific season, game or competition that changed your life? What advice or realizations, do you have for people in the coaching field who are trying to achieve their team’s potential?

Second season as a head coach was testing. You feel like your feet are on the ground but you are still in a sprint.

Is there a moment from your youth that set you up for career in coaching?

Strong female leaders and mentors who believed in me and showed me the type of coach I am now working to become

Field Hockey Camps for Girls
Girls Field Hockey Camp Massachusetts


Lake Forest, IL
JUNE 28 – JULY 1