Q&A with Our Director, Christine Kemp

Wesleyan University Head Field Hockey Coach
Former Castleton University and Skidmore College Head Coach


Do you have any nicknames?


If you can eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A good bacon, egg and cheese sandwich

What is the latest show, series, podcast or book that you binged on?

Even though I’ve seen every episode a million times, I still binged all 10 seasons of Friends leading up to Netflix taking it off in Jan. 2020

What purchase of $100 or less has positively influenced your life in the past 6 months or recent memory? 

An item I got for free (a borrowed book) – Dave Ramsey, Total Money Makeover. It’s changing my life and my future. I wish I had read it when I was 20.

Do you have a quote, phrase or motto that you use on a daily basis or during tough times? or maybe something you think of often or live your life by.

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” -Oprah Winfrey

What advice would you give a smart, driven 14 year old athlete about to enter high school and what advice should they ignore on the other hand?

Everyone is different – backgrounds, interests, talents, etc and the more we can be accepting and learn from these differences the better and more successful we will be as people. Do not let anyone tear you down or make you feel like you are less than what you are. There will be a lot of social pressures as you go through high school and beyond but if you surround yourself with people who want the best for you and bring out the best in you, you will live a really happy life.

In the last 5 years, do you have a specific season, game or competition that changed your life? What advice or realizations, do you have for people in the coaching field who are trying to achieve their team’s potential?

Coaching is a collaborative effort based on building positive relationships with your players, coaching staff, and colleagues. You can learn something from everyone and you can get a lot more out of your players when they can feel how much you care about them as people. I believe that is a huge part in what makes you a better coach and mentor. The Xs and Os come second.

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