Q&A with Our Director, Katherine Bowie

Wilkes University Head Field Hockey Coach
Former Bates College Assistant Coach

Do you have any nicknames?


Do you have any unusual talents or absurd things that you love?

I love my two beagle puppies! Bates and Buddy

If you can eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?


What is the latest show, series, podcast or book that you binged on?

Currently watching the office – Scranton is in my back yard!

What is the one or more things that you take with you or do every day before you greet the team at practice? This can be something tangible or non-tangible.

I need to have my White Board! I also love to have portable speaker so we can play music while we stretch/ warm up

What purchase of $100 or less has positively influenced your life in the past 6 months or recent memory? 

Disney Plus! I love watching all of the old Disney movies from my childhood with my sister

Do you have a quote, phrase or motto that you use on a daily basis or during tough times? or maybe something you think of often or live your life by.

Whether you have a good or bad day/practice/game – it goes on the shelf at midnight – each day is a new day!

What advice would you give a smart, driven 14 year old athlete about to enter high school and what advice should they ignore on the other hand?

Have FUN! Try new things, embrace your process and get to know as many coaches and see as many colleges as possible – that way when you make your decision you know it is a good one!

In the last 5 years, do you have a specific season, game or competition that changed your life? What advice or realizations, do you have for people in the coaching field who are trying to achieve their team’s potential?

The 2019 season at Bates (our best season ever) was so much fun – make an effort as coaches to get to know the players off the field, don’t sweat the small stuff and make your team your priority. It will create a strong bond and level of trust between coaches and players, and will reflect in their performance on the field.

Is there a moment from your youth that set you up for career in coaching?

From the 3rd grade to after college I could not be without field hockey in my life, making the transition from player to coach very easy. I love this game, and all of the mentors and lifelong friends it has given me. I want to continue to grow the game, and give young women the same experiences (if not better) than what I have already received!

Field Hockey Camps for Girls
Girls Field Hockey Camp Massachusetts


Wilkes-Barre, PA
JULY 20 – 23